A sanctuary where women can  reconnect to their Sacred Self in a way that feels authentic and aligned.

I get it...'cause I've been there, too.

 But something is keeping you from moving on and  fully embracing the life you dream of creating...and you're not sure what that is!
But something is keeping you from moving on and  fully embracing the life you dream of creating...and you're not sure what that is!

…Certified Trauma Recovery Coach with more than 7 years of coaching experience.

After more than a decade of trying to reconcile my personal values with the things I was taught at church, I walked away from religion and began the journey of recovering who I am. When I realized I wasn’t a sinner, I wasn’t broken, and I didn’t have major flaws (as the church had conditioned me to believe), that’s when I found peace.

The tools I learned as a coach were key in helping me trust my inner wisdom, redefine my faith, and recover my identity so I could start living my truth. After doing this work myself, I've dedicated my career to helping other women do the same.

That's why I created Recovering U, a small group coaching program for women who want a safe space to heal from religious harm, explore their childhood conditioning, expand their spirituality, and reconnect to their Sacred Self in a way that feels authentic and aligned.

I want in!
Let me say that again...

But I have to warn you... 

Recovering U is NOT meant to give you all the answers about how to heal your life.
Because you don't need more answers.
You don't need another authority.
You don't need another leader to light your path.

You just need you.

Let me say that again...

So why, you may ask, are we even having this conversation?

Great question!
The answer?

Because you want it!

Give me all the details!
You see, inside the church, your wants were not significant.
In fact, your wants were often considered carnal, worldly,
or lacking in eternal perspective.
They were something to be avoided, shed, and repented for--often!
But now...you are the authority in your life.
And you get to choose--EVERYTHING!
"It feels amazing to finally be in control of my destiny after a lifetime of feeling completely helpless. "
 Cara L.

I wondered if coaching was something that could really make a difference in my life. But after just 3 months of coaching with Sandra, I feel like myself again. Learning about energy and how to manage my mind has given me more confidence than I’ve had for years--and I’m enjoying my husband and family again, too. As I continue to uncover my religious conditioning, I can see how much it has affected me on the daily! Doing the work on my mind has paid off as I’ve started to see changes in the way I react to difficult situations when they arise. It feels amazing to finally be in control of my destiny after a lifetime of feeling completely helpless. I would recommend Sandra to my best friend--which I already did! 


So why might you WANT to have this conversation with me? 


Of course, only you can answer that, but here's a few ideas:
  • You enjoy learning and gaining new perspectives—especially now that you understand you can take what fits and leave the rest.
  • You know there’s more than what was chosen for you. And you’re ready to do the work to create something better.
  • You want access to tools that will take you to the next level—with support and accountability on your terms as you go through the process. 
  • You long for connection with other women—for the sisterhood that you were promised inside the church that often fell short of your expectations.
  • You want to discover a new purpose so your life feels like it has meaning.
  • You want to reconnect to the part of you that's deep inside--what I like to call, the Sacred Self. 
  • You need support from someone who can help you unravel your religious conditioning and see what's still holding you back.

and more!

"I don't think I have ever felt this FREE. {Sandra} has assisted me in learning to think and act for myself and not for a religion.."
Lizzy P.
Sandra is AMAZING. Her techniques and tools she uses to help with religious deprogramming have been unique to me, and incredibly eye-opening. She knows the right kinds of questions to ask to get you thinking about perspective. I have been able to re-think a LOT of things in my life, and I don't think I have ever felt this FREE. She has assisted me in learning to think and act for myself and not for a religion. She has encouraged me to explore the world, and the different beliefs, religions, practices, and groups that live within it. Sandra helped me give myself permission to explore those things. I don't feel like I am stuck in a box anymore!
During the program, we'll work on things like:

Handling rejection 

Making friends as an adult 

Learning to love your body

Understanding the messages of your emotions 

Allowing yourself to feel

Managing family relationships 

Having difficult conversations AND 

Standing up for your beliefs

Believing on purpose

Developing courage and confidence to 

Overcoming perfectionism and people-pleasing

We'll also:

Uncover the old B.S. (Belief Systems) that are keeping you stuck. 

Examine your habits to see if they are helping or hindering your progress.

Take a deep dive into your conditioning--religious programming, family rules, social norms, cultural expectations, and trauma responses. Then you get to decide what you want to keep, and what you want to replace.

Get in touch with your Inner Mean Girl and help her calm down!

Learn all about embracing emotions and allowing yourself to feel.

Regulate your nervous system and learn to release stress. 

Introduce the connection between the mind and body.

Learn to love the life you have, even if it's not the life you would have chosen 

Reclaim your "SACRED SELF" -- Self-trust, self-compassion, self-love, self-worth, self-identity, self-acceptance, self-confidence 

"Sandra rephrased my own words to give back to me in such a simple way that stopped me in my tracks and helped me see the fallacies in my thinking..."
Karyn C.

My life has completely changed since I started coaching with Sandra Jarvis.  The voices in my head prevented me from attaining my true potential.  I was hobbled to my limited potential just as tightly as the strongest horse is from running freely in its hobbles. Sandra rephrased my own words to give back to me in such a simple way that stopped me in my tracks and helped me see the fallacies in my thinking faster than any argument or debate I could have ever had.  The tools and skills I was able to employ with Sandra's coaching helped me to let go of quite a few deep seeded lies I had been holding onto for over 40 years.  She is a talented coach and well worth it.  I was worth it and I'm thankful for her understanding and commitment.

Now...let's talk about what Recovering U is NOT...

  • Religion Bashing
  • Spoon Feeding New Beliefs
  •  Theology Debates
  • The "RIGHT" Way to Live
  • A Place to Create Drama
  • Another Cult
If you're looking for any of these, you're in the wrong place!


Support from a circle of up to ten women who are also working toward healing and reconnecting to their Sacred Self

30-minute Kick-Off call with Certified Trauma Recovery Coach, Sandra Jarvis, to map your goals for the program

Weekly lessons, coaching opportunities, and time for building connections with your small group

Uncover what's keeping you stuck with a digital workbook to support what you're learning on your group calls

Add 1:1 coaching to your Recovering U experience

A private WhatsApp group to keep you connected with your coach and your support system throughout the week

"My time with Sandra has given me a chance to see my brain's patterns and find ways to change those patterns that I no longer want to be part of my life so I can start loving myself again."
 Erica P.

I have been working with Sandra for about 6 months.  I have been so impressed with her personal and welcoming approach. She listens well and makes me feel comfortable. She also makes me work hard and dig deep. I really needed to ask myself some tough questions and she has helped me find ways to answer some of those questions and then ask more. I think that my time with Sandra has given me a chance to see my brain's patterns and find ways to change those patterns that I no longer want to be part of my life so I can start loving myself again.  I look forward to continuing self-enlightenment and focusing more on my goals as I continue to work with her.



a subscription program with hundreds of members where you never actually get to speak to the coach! 


a six-month small group coaching with personal attention and accountability built in to the program!
"Sandra helped me get back on my feet and taught me how to embrace my emotions rather than pushing them away. She encouraged me to see myself as a perfect human, a concept I'd never considered as a member of the church..."
Annie K.

I worked with Sandra for about a year and a half. When I first came to her, I had just left the Mormon church and was struggling in so many areas. My family had quit including me in conversations and activities. Most of my friends had ghosted me. I had become very depressed and even wondered if I had made the wrong decision when I left. Sandra helped me get back on my feet and taught me how to embrace my emotions rather than pushing them away. She encouraged me to see myself as a perfect human, a concept I'd never considered as a member of the church. She helped me understand different perspectives so I could effectively deal with my family and their questions. She helped mourn the losses and celebrate all of the things I've gained. I'm a different person after coaching with her. She always says I'm the one who deserves the credit because I did all the work, but I couldn't have done it without Sandra's support. If you're debating whether or not to hire her, just do it. You won't be sorry! 

What results can you expect ?


...you notice that you're feeling better. You're no longer on that constant emotional rollercoaster and you're starting to trust yourself and your own wisdom. You're learning to identify your religious conditioning and...you're even entertaining the idea that you might be perfect, exactly as you are today. You're beginning to believe this stuff actually works!


...you have more energy and less judgment for yourself or those around you. You're learning to trust yourself and feel good about your decisions, and don't get freaked out when people question your journey. Your relationships are improving...and so is your self-respect. Sometimes, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and think, "Damn girl, you're lookin' good!"


...you're naturally thinking in more positive, productive, and self-loving ways. When you look back at the things you used to believe, you hardly recognize that version of you. You're showing up as the woman you were always meant to be. You feel happy and at peace with yourself. You're excited about the future and can't wait to see what's possible as you continue to do this work.


Recovering U Group


One-time Payment

or six equal payments of $99


  • 16-week program
  • Small groups of 10 women
  • Powerful Energy Assessment
  • 30-minute 1:1 Kick-off Session
  • Weekly Coaching Calls
  • Digital Workbook
  • WhatsApp Group
  • Life-changing tools and information


Recovering U Elite


One-time Payment

or six equal payments of $199


  • 16-week program
  • Small groups of 10 women
  • Powerful Energy Assessment
  • 30-minute 1:1 Kick-off Session
  • Weekly Coaching Calls
  • Digital Workbook
  • WhatsApp Group
  • Life-changing tools and information
  • 6 - 1:1 Coaching Calls with Sandra

 Now enrolling for